Thursday, February 12, 2009

am so coooooooooool

NEW DEVELOPMENT..................!!!!!!!!!

11th february 2009

Neil tried calling me mamma.......:D

while standing left support and stood without it for more than 30 seconds..

plays hide and seek..where actually neil hides...:P


responds to 'singh is king' with the hand movement(from chest to rhythm)

moves his fingers up and down to express saying 'come here'

moves his hand up in the air to say bye bye..

can point at plant, dog, fan, light, dada, aai, mamma and mamu's photo...

his favorite though are pigeons..can point one almost everywhere...

responds to music and moves his heels up and down...

flinches, damn cutely

expresses love and affection by holding cheeks tight and trying to kiss..:)

loves roaming about..

crawls like thunderbolt

and smiles a million dollar smile.

1 comment:

  1. oooooooo... yeah...!!! neil babby...
    i have seen some of d things mentioned here.... he he... the best is singh is king...!!! he looks so adorable wen he does dat...!!!
